That's our mantra. We then measure our work with tools like Google Analytics, KISSMetrics or Adobe Cloud Marketing / Site Catalyst in dashboard formats built with RavenTools available 24/7 for your review.
"I know that half of my advertising budget is completely wasted, I'm just not sure which half" - Lord Leverhulme, founder of Unilever.
Our Web analytics show you where you website traffic is coming from, how visitors are using your website, and most importantly, what you can do to improve your website's performance. This information allows you to track the return-on-investment of campaigns and web effectiveness, then fine-tune your search engine marketing to increase online revenues and lower costs.
We are graduates of the University of British Columbia web analytics program, graduating in the first year of the programs' existence. We continue to constantly update our skills and experience.
Results are our focus. On average, websites that try usability double their sales or other desired business metrics. The reason? The Web is the ultimate competitive environment, and users won't invest their time and mental resources in struggling with websites that violate their right to simplicity. There's always another site they can visit instead. (Source: Jakob Nielson,
We study website, social media, and email usability. We scour the web for cutting-edge information and techniques to get the best results for your business or organization.
Research gleamed from seminars, leading publications and journals, the right software and 15+ years of experience building and marketing websites goes to work for you when you work with Custom Fit. Custom Fit's post-click reporting tools help you track the effectiveness of particular campaigns, including cost-per-sale, profit-per-click and conversion rates for different search engines, keywords and ad messages.
We support sustainable, ethical web marketing & development work. We support the Digital Analytics Association code of ethics. We will never knowingly use strategies or tactics that put our clients in harms way with their clients, strategic partners or customers or web partners such as search engines and product providers. We constantly stay up-to-date with web marketing and development business to ensure that our work is following best practises in our industry.
We would be delighted to help you out with our expertise. So what’s next? You may be interested in learning more about who we are, reading the many articles of our blog, or getting in contact with us.