
Search Engine Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Whistler Search Engine Optimization


Certified & Proven SEO

Search engine optimization is a vital part of every successful online business strategy to rank higher with search engines and directories. The search engine industry changes so quickly that you may find it impossible to keep abreast of the latest trends and changes that can have an impact on search engine ranks.

You Can't Do Business Online If You Can't Be Found

Search Engine News Certified

We are proud to be a Planet Ocean Local Search Certified company! We also use various advanced paid tools including MOZRavenTools, SEMrush, Screaming Frog, InSpyder, and MajesticSEO to measure the results of our SEO programs. You, as a client, get direct access to the monitoring tools to see the actual, measurable results we're getting for your business or organization.

Always Up-to-Date with SEO

Are you prepared to keep up-to-date with the latest search engine optimization trends and techniques? Custom Fit Online specialists keep current by subscribing to the best journals and publications, attending important seminars, combined with decades of real-world experience. We'll provide a return on your investment that your business likely can't provide in-house.

As a business owner looking to increase your company's online presence and profitability, it's important to understand the range of website promotion services available. When these various 'cogs' are all meshing together you get the best SEO results possible.

Our team's SEO process includes:

  • Business / website assessment
  • Competitor analysis
  • Keyword / key phrase selection
  • Mapping keywords to content
  • Optimizing web pages and out proper content
  • Optimizing site structure and internal links
  • Building an external profile (getting links pointing to your website)
  • Reporting and analysis
  • Continual measurement and optimization

Web site optimization occurs involves editing of your website's content and code to improve rankings in the natural, 'free' search results of a search engine like Yahoo, Google and Bing. (Natural listings are also referred to as "organic" rankings.)

Post-click web site optimization traffic and ranking analysis works to ensure that your web site visitors travel from search engines through to the pages on your site you want them to visit and to perform the actions you want them to take. We use state-of-the-art Web analytics to track progress.

Professional SEO Services

As Custom Fit Online's search engine marketing experts research keywords and other search engine marketing tasks, they can often identify new target audiences or new promotional strategies for your business. Additionally, Custom Fit Online's search engine positioning activities provide a clear picture how you compare to your competition.

We'll get to know your business and suit search engine strategies to meet your businesses' needs. No pushing a square peg in a round hole for your business.

We Support Ethical Web Marketing Work

Code of Ethics 2 LogosWe support sustainable, ethical web marketing and development work. We support the SEO Code of Ethics and the Digital Analytics Association Code of Ethics.

We constantly stay up-to-date with web marketing and development business to ensure that our work is following best practises in our industry. We will never knowingly use strategies or tactics that put our clients in harms way with their clients, strategic partners or customers or web partners such as search engines and product providers.

Get a FREE Webpage Audit!

Try the form below! Add your website address and your email address and we'll send you a free audit in about an hour. No obligations. No hassles!

What’s Next?

We would be delighted to help you out with our expertise. So what’s next? You may be interested in learning more about who we are, reading the many articles of our blog, or getting in contact with us.

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