
Website Optimization

Digital Analysis & Consulting

Digital Analytics Code of Ethics

Code of Ethics - Digital Marketing Association

Custom Fit Online values sustainable web marketing for our clients. This is why we support and follow this code of ethics regarding our digital analytics work which includes web analytics.

We hereby agree to personally follow the Digital Analyst's Code of Ethics regarding consumer data collected on any digital property we work on, with, or for:

Privacy: We agree to hold consumer data in the highest regard and will do everything in our power to keep personally identifiable consumer data safe, secure and private. To this end we will never knowingly transfer, release, or otherwise distribute personally identifiable information (PII) gathered through digital channels to any third-party without express permission from the consumer(s) who generated the data. We will also work to enforce a cookie and user identification policy that is appropriate and respectful of the consumer experience.

Transparency: We agree to encourage full disclosure of my clients/employer consumer data collection practices and to encourage communication of how that data will be used in clear and understandable language. To this end we will work to ensure that the privacy policy is up-to-date and provides a clear and truthful reflection of our collection, use and storage policies towards digitally-collected data. Without divulging proprietary or competitive information, we will be transparent, honest, and forthright regarding the data collected and how it is used to improve the overall consumer and customer experience online.

Consumer Control: We agree to inform and empower consumers to opt out of our data collection practices and to document ways to do this. To this end we will work to ensure that consumers have a means to opt out and to ensure that they are removed from tracking when requested. Further, we will do our best to use tracking and browser-based technologies in the way they were designed and not otherwise circumvent consumer control over their browsing experience.

Education: We agree to educate our clients about the types of data collected, and the potential risks to consumers associated with those data. To this end we will make every effort to inform my peers of the commitment to data privacy and to educate others of current data collection capabilities, data definitions, and potential data risks. Further, we will educate our clients about how these technologies could be perceived of as invasive.

Accountability: We agree to act as a steward of customer data and to uphold the consumers' right to privacy as governed by my clients/employer and applicable laws and regulations. To this end we will work with appropriate teams as necessary to ensure that data access lists are up-to-date and that anyone with access to these systems understands how that data can and cannot be used. We will do our best to comply with all practices governing ethical use of consumer data.

This digital analytics code of ethics is available from the Digital Analytics Association. We thank the association for use of this material. Please feel free to  contact us any time if you have any questions, comments or suggestions about this.

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