
3 Ways to Embrace Video Marketing in 2021

Embracing Video Marketing in 2021

The global pandemic disrupted business and many companies figured out a way to pivot and work online. In 2021 the remote work revolution is going strong, businesses are still marketing, and consumers are spending money.

There has been a massive shift and the world of online marketing is rapidly growing. An integral component of being online is using video.

85% of marketers say that video is an effective way to get attention online (Animoto), and viewers claim they retain 95% of a message when obtained via video (Social Media Week).

In a world where we are all connected via the internet, it's crucial to find an adequate supplement for human connection and using video as a medium is one way. Video is a compelling and impactful way to market your products and services, and now, more than ever, it's essential to harness this medium.

Video Marketing

Go Behind the Scenes 

People do business with people they like, know and trust, and one way to build a relationship is by relating to your customers. Letting people into what life is like behind your business's scenes is content that people love to check out. Most phones come with cameras, so whip out your cell phone, switch the camera to video and explain to your viewers what is going on behind the scenes.

Some ideas to record are planning sessions, unboxing, restocking or renovations, BTS of video calls and what working from home is like. This content can go on social media profiles, in your Stories, in your newsletters or wherever else they work with your marketing strategy.

Attend Virtual Events

Virtual events are a lot of fun and allow you to network and sometimes learn from the comfort of your own home. If you are a guest at a meeting, be ready to have your camera and microphone on. Be an engaged attendee and interact when possible. Being active is a great way to network and let new people who you are. If there is a chat option, be active and engaging in the chat. 

Perhaps you want to put on an event? There are various ways to create fun, informative and engaging online events that will not only promote your business but help connect one another. Virtual events are lucrative places to network and meet new connections.

Live Video Streaming

Live Video Streaming

Lights, camera, action! It's time for you to go live on social media. By the end of 2020, live streaming was expected to account for 82% of all internet traffic (Go-Global). Going live on social media is what it sounds like – you are on video, and you are live streaming to the world wide web.

These live stream sessions don't have to be lengthy (we recommend around seven minutes), and you can use this time to share tips, news and announcements. A bonus is that on some social media networks, your connections will be notified when you go live.

3 Ways to Embrace Video Marketing in 2021 🎥

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How are you building relationships with your future customers, nurturing the relationships with existing customers and standing out from your competition?

Using video is one compelling way for you to do that. Technology to create videos is more accessible than ever and helps everyone stay connected to one another. It's time for you to be vulnerable, get out of your comfort zone and in front of your camera.

Blair Kaplan
Jan 06, 2021
From the Custom Fit Online team

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