
When Should You Hire a Professional Writer for Your Website

While you know your business, your customers, and your product or service best, there comes a time when you need to ask yourself if writing your own copy for your website is the best option for optimal success. Here are some tips to help you make the decision of whether or not to “outsource” the copywriting/blogging and copy editing for your website.

Copywriters Hire Website Content Creators

Hiring a Professional Copywriter Brings an Objective Perspective on What You Offer

It seems like a basic, but when you are in the thick of running a business, you can lose sight of perspective. An outside copywriter can take an objective look at what you are trying to achieve/sell and craft the copy to your specific target audience, and have a more well-rounded approach. Another way to look at it is that you may be too “close” to your business and product or service to write objectively and persuasively about it – without exaggerating its strengths.

A Professional Copywriter Will Ensure that Your Website is Kept Up to Date

When your business gets busy with day to day operations, you may not have the time to get to your website and update it with new blog posts and social media updates. Other information may not get updated in a timely manner, including tweaks to “evergreen” content. Outsourcing your writing to a professional means that there will be a deadline in place to keep the site up to date and keep the copy fresh and current. Some experts say uploading fresh blog content should be done several times a month or more to keep relevant with Google searches.

Copy Writing Hire Professional Editor

A Copy Editor May Tweak Your Content So You Can Feel Confident About Its Quality

This Is Why You Should You Hire a Professional Copywriter or Editor for Your Website!!

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Sometimes your ideas are clear, and your writing voice is compelling and focused on the human element, (not just SEO) but you just need some help with polishing. A copy editor can help you do that. When your copy is free of errors, you bring credibility and trust to your business, which will draw in traffic and customers. And that, as they say, is priceless.

Need some help with your blogging or copywriting? Contact us. We can help!

Erica Osburn
Nov 16, 2017
From the Custom Fit Online team

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