
Content Management Systems - How They Can Benefit You

Content Management Systems (CMS) have numerous benefits. They contribute to streamlined yet comprehensive access to your website content, assist in the automation of everyday tasks and help keep maintenance costs down.

Elements of a Brand

Lets look at 10 reasons that a CMS can benefit your online business.

1. A CMS Website is Powered by a Database

This means you can have a large website consisting of hundreds or even thousands of pages that can be collectively edited, eliminating the need to update them individually.

2. Separate Design and Content

Website content and template designs are stored separately, allowing you to make design changes without effects the content directly.

3. Multiple Authors

You can give several members of your staff access to the CMS with different permission levels. Pages generated by your staff can show their name and picture which is useful for blogs and other public correspondence.

4. Global Access

If you have a Web browser and an internet connection, your good to go. Since a CMS is Web based, you can access it from anywhere.

5. Schedule Content Updates

Your CMS can be programmed to schedule the automatic publishing of content, removal of content or even send out newsletters while you're away. Publishing content can be controlled by creating a draft first then publishing it later. This is handy if you need to coordinate content from multiple authors.

6. You Don't Need to be an HTML Wizard

A CMS allows non-technical people to add or update content, make design changes and upload media. Simply log in with your username and password and use the friendly WYSIWYG editor to create rich pages.

7. Saves Time and Money

No longer will you need that trusty FTP program. Over are the days of transferring files back and forth to the web host. These actions frequently led to mistakes and or errors that were not recoverable.

You also save money on maintenance costs. Most updates can be performed easily in-house without the need for assistance by a development firm or your … nephew.

8. Create SEO Friendly Pages

You will have full control over your page Titles, Descriptions and Keywords. You also have control over the page URL which is important because search engines love URLs containing keywords that are relevant to the page.

9. Attracts Repeat Visits

A CMS site attracts visitors because it can be constantly and rapidly updated. It not only generates pages that are search engine friendly but can produce lots of links from the new content that is added and syndicated.

10. Create Automated RSS feeds

Content Management Systems - How They Can Benefit You

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RSS or really simple syndication is integrated automatically into many CMS sites. Every time you create a post or make a comment it creates a feed for it. This allows visitors with RSS Feeders to read the post at their own leisure.

Learn About Our CMS Development Services

Need some help integrating your website into a content management system? Every website that Custom Fit Online builds is development on a content management system platform. Learn more about our content management system development services or visit our website portfolio to view some of our CMS work.

Robert Valcourt
Jun 22, 2012
By Robert Valcourt

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