
You're Invited to Vancouver Unbounce

Vancouver Unbounce Meetup February 2014

The first ever Vancouver Unbounce Meetup features an evening of learning and inspiration. And you are cordially invited to this meetup on February 5th, 2014!

And as raving fan and avid user of Unbounce products I am delighted to have been selected to present along with some extremely talented digital experts from across British Columbia. (By the way, for what it's worth... that's me with the beard with the arrow pointing at my head in the image above.)

The line-up also includes…

  • the fabulous Brady Josephson from Charity Express,
  • the amazing Larissa Cox from Ethical Deal,
  • the charming talents of Neol Heaney from Jostle,
  • the incredible Keegan Morrison from Nurse Next Door,
  • the digital brilliance of Braden Hoeppner from Coastal Contacts, and
  • our hosts for the evening: Oli Gardner and Ryan Engley from Unbounce.

You're Invited to Vancouver Unbounce

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My Topic?

My topic? "Big Picture Analytics & A/B Testing" done in the Pecha Kucha presentation style. Think 20 slides x 20 seconds of chat per slide!

Learn more about the Unbounce Meetup and register today to be there... because if you aren't there you'll be somewhere else. And you want to be there!

Roy McClean
Jan 13, 2014
By Roy McClean

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