Typekit Desktop Syncing
Typekit, Adobe's web font embedding service, is one of my favourite web design services; its flexible, robust, and easy-to-use coupled with its extensive library of hundreds of quality typefaces makes it a near-perfect service. (Read also A Brief Introduction to Web Typography.) And to make it even better, Typekit has announced they will be unrolling desktop syncing of fonts.
Starting out with 175 font families from seven of the top font foundries (exljbris, FontFont, Mark Simonson Studio, ParaType, TypeTogether, URW++, and Dalton Maag), you will be able to use a desktop application alongside the Typekit web app to choose which fonts you want to be able to use both across the web and across your operating system.
Available to all Adobe Creative Cloud users, desktop font syncing will allow you to use fonts both across the web and across your operating system. Combining web and desktop fonts under one license is an incredibly smart move on Typekit's part, and will make the designer's task much easier when it comes to creating mockups. I, for one, am ecstatic to give it a go.