
My Top 10 Resources For Web Development

Elements of a Brand

The field of Web development is always evolving with new technologies and standards being introduced rapidly. I challenge myself to learn something new daily.

If web development/marketing is your thing these resources and tools will help you stay sharp & productive.

Web Development Blogs

A List Apart
A List Apart explores the design, development, and meaning of web content, with a special focus on web standards and best practices. http://alistapart.com/.

Line25 is the drawing board for web creatives, presenting web design ideas and inspiration in the form of tutorials, articles and interviews. http://line25.com/.

Ye shalt not forget about the importance of SEO and how it pertains to development and site planning. Mashable is a great resource to stay on top of SEO trends and best practices. http://mashable.com/.

Web Design Ledger
The WDL site is to act as a platform for sharing web design related knowledge and resources. Topics range from design inspiration to tips and tutorials and everything in between. http://webdesignledger.com/.

Snook post about tips, tricks and bookmarks on web development. They have some useful posts on their site, and also post about useful information in the web development community. http://snook.ca/.

Web Development Tools

jQuery and jQuery Mobile
No list of Web developer tools would be complete without jQuery, the ever-popular JavaScript library. http://jquery.com/.

JsFiddle is a playground for web developers, a tool which may be used in many ways. One can use it as an online editor for snippets build from HTML, CSS and JavaScript. http://jsfiddle.net/.

PIE stands for Progressive Internet Explorer. It is an IE attached behaviour which, when applied to an element, allows IE to recognize and display a number of CSS3 properties. http://css3pie.com/.

CSS3 Generator
Build that killer site easily and quickly with help from this fully featured CSS3 code generation tool. http://css3generator.com/.

FireBug for Firefox
Firebug is a free, open source in-browser web development tool for the Firefox web browser. It's many features include: on-the-fly HTML and CSS editing for tweaking or debugging, a Console for logging, analyzing and debugging JavaScript. http://getfirebug.com/.

My Top 10 Resources For Web Development

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How About You?

Have you used any of the resources noted above. Do you have any favourite resources or tools that you can't live without? We would be thrilled if you left your comments, suggestions or questions below!

Robert Valcourt
Sep 28, 2012
By Robert Valcourt
My Top 10 Resources For Web Development

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