
Why Should I Use Email Marketing?

email-marketing-whistlerEmail marketing is an efficient, fast and cost effective way to promote your product, service, event or special promotion.

Many clients worry that email marketing oversteps the boundary into the world of spam and junk mail.  Today there are many rules, regulations and procedures that must be followed before an email campaign can be sent out.   All campaigns have opt-in and opt-out options. This helps to prevent the concerns that many clients have about the spam issue. 

Today, modern email marketing services and solutions support database integration, segmentation and various other tricks and techniques for improving the targeting of outgoing messages.

Here are our top 7 reasons why your business should use an email marketing campaign.

1.  It allows targeting

Unlike traditional marketing techniques, email marketing can be highly customized. Email marketing can reach the exact customer you want to reach.  For example we can set up campaigns to send out mailings to a particular segment or group in your database.

2.  It is measurable

Email marketing campaigns produce detailed analytics. You will be able to see who opens-up what, click-through that and ultimately what your conversion rate is.  This allows for future campaigns to be easily tweaked and strategies to be adjusted.

3.  It drives web traffic

As links are embedded into email marketing campaigns, it's easy to direct your clients to that specials page, shopping cart or online booking engine.  Traditional marketing campaigns require your customer to go though more steps to get to your website (e.g. turning on the computer and typing!)

 4.  It builds relationships, loyalty and trust

Email marketing campaigns can be easily personalized and are great way to stay in touch with existing customers. Today email campaigns can be interactive. For example you could embed a video into your newsletter.  This is a great way to engage your customers and build brand loyalty.

5.  It is affordable

Traditional off line advertising is expensive.  The DMA (Direct Marketing Agency) puts email marketing's ROI for 2011 at $40.56 for every $1 invested.  It's also good for the good environment - no printing involved!

6.  It is easy to use.

Why Should I Use Email Marketing?

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At Custom Fit we design unique email marketing templates.  We can set up accounts in easy to use email marketing software such as Mail Chimp and Constant Contact.  We provide all our clients with a detailed tutorial on how to use the software.  We can also manage your campaigns for you and have excellent writers on our team.

7.  It automatically pushes out content to your social media channels

Today's email marketing software is sophisticated.  Your campaigns will automatically be tweeted and be pushed out to your other social media channels.

Find out more about how Custom Fit can help implement an email marketing campaign for your business.

Marie Therrien
Mar 26, 2012
From the Custom Fit Online team

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