Showing 21 through 30 of 36 posts in the Leadership category
Lifelong learning can keep you competitive and arm you with marketable skills. It's also fun, and a great way to expand your interests, which keeps your brain healthy and staves off aging. Are you learning on your own?
Erma Bombeck was an iconic newspaper columnist whose syndicated newspaper column was read by 30,000,000 people. Her 12 books were bestsellers. And she was a housewife. And a feminist. And she never missed a deadline.
The best way to hold your audience's attention during a presentation is to “edutain” them — which is the art of educating while entertaining. By edutaining you will surely leave a lasting impression on your audience.
One of the world’s greatest designers, Massimo Vignelli, has recently passed away. He leaves behind a legacy for all to ponder, and a responsibility for all designers to take on: to fight ugliness, and to create beauty
This year's Kathy Barnett Leadership Luncheon inspired its attendees to follow their hearts and passions to make the world a better place. Friday's luncheon theme was "Empowering for Change"
If you're going to build the dream you've set out to build, you're going to need some daily self motivation and self care. On top of the SEO, the copywriting, the social media, the UX design, you mustn’t forget yourself.
You're invited to the Vancouver Unbounce Meetup on February 5th, 2014! Leaders from the digital industry will be presenting along with our very own Roy McClean. Learn more and join the meetup.
Let's start off with defining what a "spiel" is. A Spiel can be described as a speech that is intended to persuade others. Check out these tips for creating an interesting and memorable spiel.
It takes a lot of work to grow a business. It's easy to get stuck behind the computer working on the administrative duties and work for your clients. Networking, either online or in the real world, builds business!
Earlier this week, the Custom Fit Online Facebook page hit 500 likes. Now that we have reached our small goal, part of our long-term business plan, it is time to reevaluate and set the next target.
Showing 21 through 30 of 36 posts in the Leadership category