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Social Media Marketing Blog Posts

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Showing 11 through 20 of 66 posts in the Social Media Marketing category

How to Use Cognitive Biases Psychology in SEO & Marketing

Psychology in advertising and marketing isn’t a new thing, it’s been around since the early days of advertising and really came to prominence in the 1920s with “the father of public relations” – Edward Bernays.


How to Win on Instagram

If you have a business, a social media account that it’s imperative to be on is Instagram. Instagram is a user-friendly social media networking platform that is driven by images and videos. It’s free to set up a business account plus over 77.6 million people are on Instagram.


Understanding Instagram Insights

If you are using social media for business, it’s imperative to track your metrics. Each social media network has its own in-app tools available to track metrics within the app.


Get Started Spring Cleaning Your Digital Marketing Efforts

Spring is almost here and it is probably a good time to take a look at your website and all your social media accounts to make sure they are performing optimally!


12 Easy Tips For Generating Website Traffic

Generating website traffic can be a challenge for anybody, especially if you’re just getting started. Take a look at some easy ways to generate traffic to your website.


Facebook Advertising 101: Targeting, Ads and Formats & More

Getting started with Facebook advertising is simple. With this article we help get you get familiar with different terms and what to expect when you’re preparing to launch you first Facebook advertisement.


Remarketing 101: Ads That 'Follow' Get Results

A walk through town and jumping around the internet have one thing in common. Advertisements. They’re everywhere! First impressions are tough making remarketing a powerful technique.


How Social Media Impacts SEO

Social media is prolific and can drive huge numbers of traffic to your website and create sales. There are ways that social media indirectly improves your SEO.


Get Started Creating Your Custom Snapchat Geofilter

Creating custom geofilters on Snapchat couldn't be any easier but it's always helpful to do some research before you jump in. Like creating anything there are some do's and don'ts that you'll want to learn about first.


You Should Be Using Snapchat Geofilters

There’s no set path to success when it comes to Snapchat, and it continues to be that way. Recently, the photo app has given us a new option that many people don’t know about yet –– creating custom geofilters.


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Showing 11 through 20 of 66 posts in the Social Media Marketing category

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