
The Web Advisor Blog

Email Blog Posts

Showing 4 of 4 posts in the Email category

Email Marketing - Why (And How) To Do It

We’re all familiar with our favourite websites and companies asking us to subscribe to their email newsletter. It seems like almost every website we visit wants our email address, but why? In this article, we will take a look at why your business should be using email marketing and how to do it.


The New Workout Plan, 2,500 Taps Per Day

We have been bombarded with the latest information that we touch, swipe or tap on our smartphones 2500 times a day. And this gigantic number is not including all the time we spend on our laptops, desktops, and tablets.


Beware of Locky Ransomware Emails

Locky Ransomware emails are circulating the internet in high volumes. Learn how to identify the emails and what you should and should not do with them.


In a Nutshell - POP vs. IMAP Email Protocols

You are setting up your new email account available with POP and IMAP options. What do these mean? Which should you choose? Learn the difference between these terms to help you make the right choice for your needs!


Showing 4 of 4 posts in the Email category

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