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Website Optimization Blog Posts

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Showing 1 through 10 of 53 posts in the Website Optimization category

A Basic Guide to Image File Types

This comprehensive guide will delve into image file types and explore some of their pros and cons.


Google My Business Account - What Is It And Do You Need One?

Did you know that Google is also able to give your business an online presence through a tool called ‘Google My Business’? Take a look at everything that you need to know about the tool & why you should create a profile.


10 Principles of a Great eCommerce Site (Infographic)

There's a lot of money and big opportunities for online businesses, but it also means that there's a lot of competition. If you want to succeed online follow these 10 principles for building a great e-commerce site.


5 Tips for Your Blog Posts That Are Not About the Writing

We’ve given tips about writing for the web in the past. This post is about how you can improve your blog posts in other ways apart from written content.


What Are Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)?

Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) has become a popular file format on the web today. SVG is often used to display a variety of graphics on the internet and other digital environments, such as tablet and mobile.


Testing to Get Results: Google Optimize 101

Released in 2017 Google Optimize lets you perform A/B (split) testing and personalization on your websites.


SEO 101: What is SEO & Why Is It So Important?

So why is SEO so important? We could talk for days about the importance of SEO. That would be overwhelming (and boring) here are ten reasons to show you why SEO is so important.


How Errors and Typos Harm Your Digital Marketing Efforts

We all make mistakes from time to time and while some people are better at spelling and grammar than others, the fact is that mistakes on your business website and social media accounts are detrimental to your business.


Optimizing Your Site’s Structure to Win in Search Results

Your website's structure is important for two people. People who are visiting your website (usability experience), and Google (SEO). And yes, Google is a person in this case.


Wordpress - Add Excerpt Field to Custom Post Types

If your WordPress theme does not support the excerpt field on custom post types, don't worry! You can add this functionally yourself in minutes. Also, add powerful rich text capabilities to enhance your layouts further.


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Showing 1 through 10 of 53 posts in the Website Optimization category

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